Closure of Promenadenweg
Permanent closure of the towpath and promenade path along the Rhine below the Pfaffendorf bridge from Weindorf to the castle steps
Learn more
Musiker bei einem Konzert beim Horizonte Weltmusikfestival ©PlusPunktFilm
21. until July 23, 2023 at the Festung Ehrenbreitstein

21. World Music Festival Horizonte Koblenz

The world music festival in a unique location
Framed by the fantastic ambience of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Festung Ehrenbreitstein in Koblenz forms the backdrop for one of the most beautiful world culture festivals in Germany over three days.

Sound journeys around the globe and a colorful hippie and street food market await you, inviting you to stroll and linger with lovingly crafted handicrafts and culinary specialties on Europe's second largest fortress.
Check out the full program!
Luftaufnahme über der Festung Ehrenbreitstein mit der Stadt Koblenz und dem Zusammenfluss von Rhein und Mosel im Hintergrund. ©
Horizonte World Music Festival
With the Seilbahn to the festival area
Where else can you drive to the festival area with a Seilbahn? That only exists in Koblenz!

Book a combination ticket and don't worry about parking. Just walk from your accommodation to the Deutsche Eck and then float up to the festival with the Seilbahn!
Book combination tickets now
Aussicht von der Festung Ehrenbreitstein über Koblenz ©PlusPunktFilm