Promenade Closure
Permanent closure of the towpath and promenade path along the Rhine below the Pfaffendorf bridge from Weindorf to the castle steps
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The Ufer-Bar is back!
From July 12th to October 6th, 2024, four Koblenz restaurants and a sparkling wine producer invite you to summer and early autumn evenings on the castle steps.
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Das Deutsche Eck beim Sonnenuntergang im Herbst ©Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Christian Görtz

The Deutsches Eck

Where Father Rhine meets Mother Moselle.

The settlement of the Teutonic Order at the confluence of the Rhine and Moselle rivers in 1216 gave this historically significant place its name "Deutsches Eck". Koblenz also owes its name to the confluence of the Rhine and Moselle. Over the course of time, "Castellum apud Confluentes", Latin for "the fort at the confluence", transformed into the present-day name of Koblenz.

The Kaiser-Wilhelm-Denkmal
Shortly after the death of Emperor Wilhelm I, the idea arose to erect a monument to the emperor who had brought about the completed unification of Germany after three wars. Three years later, in 1891, Kaiser Wilhelm II, the grandson of the deceased, chose the Deutsches Eck in Koblenz as a suitable location. To make room for the memorial, a port of refuge was filled in, which at that time was located at the mouth of the Moselle. The Deutsches Eck in its present form was created.

On August 31, 1897, the copper monument was solemnly inaugurated by Kaiser Wilhelm I in the presence of Kaiser Wilhelm II.
Das Kaiser-Wilhelm-Denkmal am Deutschen Eck ©Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Gauls

Destroyed by artillery fire in March 1945, Theodor Heuss rededicated the riderless pedestal as a memorial to German unity in 1953. Until 1993, a flagpole with the German federal flag was enthroned here. Finally, in autumn 1993, a reconstruction of the monument was raised onto the plinth. Today, the 37-metre-high monument–14 metres of which are accounted for by the equestrian statue showing Emperor Wilhelm I with a genius–attracts more than 2 million visitors a year and has been part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Upper Middle Rhine Valley" since 2002. 

Experiences at the Deutsches Eck
Guided Tours
A visit to the Deutsches Eck should not be missed during your stay in Koblenz. Numerous city tours take you to the Deutsches Eck and explain the fascinating history of this important place where the Rhine and Moselle rivers meet.
See all guided tours
Reisegruppe hört einem Stadtführer zu, während er eine große Daumenstatue vor dem Ludwigmuseum erklärt ©Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Dominik Ketz
Festivals and celebrations in the Rhine-Moselle town
With its incomparable setting, the Deutsches Eck also offers a place to enjoy numerous parties and events. Visit the entertaining events that regularly take place here.
Check out the events!
Menschenansammlung am Deutschen Eck zum Electronic Wine Festival ©Picture Colada GmbH
Journey to the Deutsches Eck

The journey to the Deutsches Eck on foot or by bike offers various attractive routes through the beautiful old town of Koblenz or along the Rhine Promenade. The picturesque alleyways and historic squares of the old town provide an authentic insight into the city's history. Alternatively, visitors can stroll along the Rhine Promenade which impresses with magnificent views of the river and the surrounding countryside.

Pärchen im Vordergrund spaziert und Menschengruppen im Hintergrund sitzen an Cafétischen auf dem Jesuitenplatz in der Koblenzer Altstadt ©Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Dominik Ketz
Paar fährt fahrrad entlang der Rheinanlagen ©
The Koblenz Cable Car
For a special perspective, there is the option of using the cable car, which connects the Deutsches Eck with the Ehrenbreitstein Fortress. This short ride not only offers convenient transportation, but also a spectacular view of the confluence of the Rhine and Moselle rivers. This makes the journey to this historic location an eventful and varied experience.
Tickets & Information
Die Seilbahn Koblenz im Gegenlicht der Sonne mit Rhein im Vordergrund und Festung Ehrenbreitstein im Hintergrund ©Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Dominik Ketz
By bus to the Deutsches Eck
Traveling to the Deutsches Eck by bus is a flexible and convenient option for visitors of all ages. The buses provide a relaxed journey through the city, while visitors can enjoy the historic ambience of the Deutsches Eck.
View all bus connections
koveb Bus am Zentralplatz vor Forum Confluentes und Forum Mittelrhein ©Gauls
Points of Interest near the Deutsches Eck
Experience Koblenz
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Zwei Männer von der Seite halten Weingläser und blicken auf die Stadt Koblenz beim Sonnenuntergang ©Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Philip Bruederle

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