Promenade Closure
Permanent closure of the towpath and promenade path along the Rhine below the Pfaffendorf bridge from Weindorf to the castle steps
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The Ufer-Bar is back!
From July 12th to October 6th, 2024, four Koblenz restaurants and a sparkling wine producer invite you to summer and early autumn evenings on the castle steps.
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Busbahnhof am Hauptbahnhof Koblenz ©Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Johannes Bruchhof

Public Transit in & around Koblenz

Efficient, comfortable and sustainable travel by bus and train.

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What you can discover in & around Koblenz

CITY CENTRE: The Koblenz city center can be reached via the junction Zentralplatz/Forum, where almost all public bus lines arrive and depart. The tourist information office is also located at Forum Confluentes.

CITY AREA: In addition to the city centre, it is also worth exploring the following districts:

  • In the Ehrenbreitstein district is the Festung Ehrenbreitstein with a fantastic view over the Altstadt and the Deutsche Eck.
  • In the Güls district, idyllically situated on the Moselle, you can take a detour to one of the many wineries.
  • In the district of Stolzenfels you will find the famous Schloss Stolzenfels, which towers high above the Rhine.

REGION: The Koblenz region offers something for everyone. In addition to many castles and palaces, marvel at the world's largest cold water geyser in Andernach, the butterfly garden in Sayn or the legendary Loreley.

Download the leaflet "Discover Koblenz & Region by Bus & Train" as PDF (German)
KoblenzCard mit Einzelheiten zur Gültigkeit und Preis ©Koblenz-Touristik GmbH
Cheap through the city with the KoblenzCard
Tip: Cardholders can take the bus 24 hours a day free of charge in the city and also receive numerous discounts, e.g. on the Seilbahn or Altstadtguided tours. You can get the card at the tourist information office at Forum Confluentes for 9.80 euros.
Explore the Koblenz Sights by bus
Karte des Koblenzer Stadtgebietes mit ÖPNV-Verbindungen zu den Sehenswürdigkeiten ©Koblenz-Touristik GmbH

In the city centre, numerous sights are within walking distance. After a comfortable arrival by train, you can easily combine your sightseeing tour with various walking routes.

Whether you want to see as much as possible, only have time for the main highlights or just want to stroll leisurely, everyone can make their own path through Koblenz on any of our four walking routes! You will find all the important information in the city map Koblenz and Sights.

Download the city map "Koblenz and Sights" as a PDF (German)
Koblenz Ferries
Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage, Pfeuffer  ©Generaldirektion Kulturelles Erbe, Pfeuffer
Ferry across the Moselle with the Koblenz Altstadt with Liebfrauenkirche and Florinskirche in the background  ©Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Johannes Bruchhof
Across the Rhine to the Festung Ehrenbreitstein
Schängel ferry
Mit der Schängelfähre können Sie den Rhein zwischen Koblenz und Ehrenbreitstein überqueren. Die Fähre ist an das Verbundsystem der VRM angeschlossen.
Departure times, prices and further information about the Schängel ferry
From the Deutsches Eck across the Moselle to the campsite
Liesel Ferry
Die Fähre "Liesel" pendelt von April bis Oktober zwischen dem Campingpark und dem Deutschen Eck. In den Wintermonaten ist ein Taxi-Shuttle im Einsatz.
Departure times, prices and further information about the ferry "Liesel"
Explore Regional Attractions via Bus & Train
Karte der Region mit ÖPNV-Verbindungen zu wichtigen Sehenswürdigkeiten ©Koblenz-Touristik GmbH
Selected experiences in Koblenz
Experience Koblenz
Koblenz and the region offer a variety of experiences for everyone. Whether you are active, curious or relaxed - you are sure to find what you are looking for.
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Zwei Männer von der Seite halten Weingläser und blicken auf die Stadt Koblenz beim Sonnenuntergang ©Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Philip Bruederle

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