Closure of Promenadenweg
Permanent closure of the towpath and promenade path along the Rhine below the Pfaffendorf bridge from Weindorf to the castle steps
Learn more
Luftaufnahme von der Festung Ehrenbreitstein mit Blick auf das Deutsche Eck, die Altstadt und die nähere Umgebung. ©Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Johannes Bruchhof

The history of illness and health in Koblenz

Dates and time: individually on request | Duration: approx. 2 hours

The guide

This tour takes you through Koblenz Altstadt with a focus on the development of hygiene and health structures over the last 1000 years. Find out more about epidemics and pandemics, drinking water and wastewater supply, the history of hospitals and medical technology.


Group*125,00 €

*Up to 30 people

Tour information

The guided tour The History of Disease and Health in Koblenz lasts approx. 2 hours and can be conveniently requested online. Alternatively, you can book your tour via the guest and booking service.

Blumenhof der Basilika St. Kastor mit dem Deutschherrenhaus im Hintergrund ©Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Christian Nentwig
Meeting place
At the entrance to the Blumenhof, next to Ludwigmuseum