Closure of Promenadenweg
Permanent closure of the towpath and promenade path along the Rhine below the Pfaffendorf bridge from Weindorf to the castle steps
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Flaschensammlung im Koblenzer Sektmuseum ©Deinhard KG

Koblenz Sparkling Wine Museum

Embark on an exciting journey through time into the history of sparkling wine production.

The guide

If you want to get to know the Deinhard tradition up close, you can embark on an exciting journey back in time. Here, the hearts of wine and sparkling wine lovers beat faster. The soul of wine culture can be felt in every part of the vault. During an expert guided tour, visitors can learn how sparkling wine and wine used to be produced and shipped from Koblenz all over the world using original equipment, including 1 glass of sparkling wine from the age of 16.


Time of dayDate (Saturdays)
5 p.mApril to October every Saturday


Adults17,00 €
Children up to 12 years7,50 €

*Incl. 1 glass of sparkling wine from 16 years

Tour information

This tour lasts approx. 1 hour, is completely independent of the weather and is largely barrier-free.

Meeting point

In front of the entrance to the museum in the Deinhard Stammhaus, Deinhardpassage

Außenansicht des Koblenzer Sektmuseums mit Wenceslaus Denkmal im Vordergrund ©Deinhard KG
Fässer und Maschinen, die für früher für die Abfüllung von Sektflaschen benutzt wurden ©Deinhard KG
Alte Flaschenabfüllmaschine im Koblenzer Sektmuseum ©Deinhard KG
Holzfässer im Keller des Koblenzer Sektmuseums ©Deinhard KG