Closure of Promenadenweg
Permanent closure of the towpath and promenade path along the Rhine below the Pfaffendorf bridge from Weindorf to the castle steps
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Verkleidete Stadtführerin mit Korb und Gemüse lacht mit einer Führungsgruppe vor Figuren auf dem Münzplatz ©Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Juraschek

Heilije, Hexe, Huckeweiwer with Marlis Weiß

Dates and time: individually on request | Duration: approx. 1.5 hours

The guide

Heilije, Hexe, Huckeweiwer - met Lisbeth through the Altstadt. Accompany the market woman Lisbeth through the Koblenz Altstadt and learn interesting and thought-provoking facts about special "Kowelenzer Leut" and their habits, the "Kowelenz originals" and much more, spiced up in dialect.

During the tour, you can enjoy a "Dudebainche" and a "Dähler Drobbe" - included in the price, of course.


Group*175,00 €

*Up to 30 people

Tour information

The guided tour Heilije, Hexe, Huckeweiwer lasts approx. 1.5 hours and can be conveniently requested online. Alternatively, you can book your tour via the guest and booking service. Please note the minimum age of 18 years.

Brunnen auf dem Münzplatz mit Haus Metternich und Geschäfte im Hintergrund ©Koblenz-Touristik GmbH
Meeting place
Fountain at Münzplatz